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We focus on client-driven, attainable goals that are as individualized as each person we serve.”

HIRO’s expertise is working with individuals with moderate to severe acquired brain injuries (ABI) in our residential programs and within the community. We build on best practices, like the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) — Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF) Guideline for Rehabilitation for Adults with Moderate-to-Severe TBI, and work with clients, families, staff and health leaders to make a difference.

To support each individual’s care, the HIRO team is fluent in more than 10 different languages, including French, ensuring clients are involved in their transition and comfortable during their rehabilitation journey in ways that are familiar to them.

Visit each service page to meet some of our talented and experienced staff who provide exemplary care to clients every day. They all complete regular mandatory continuing education in crisis intervention and have comprehensive training in First Aid, Mental Health First Aid and Infection Prevention and Control, to ensure a safe and comfortable environment.

We are A Promise of Hope after ABI

Our unique approach of leveraging client interests with a multidisciplinary clinical team, led by a regulated health care professional, and exemplary non-clinical expertise, helps to achieve results. Thanks to our clients’ strength and determination, we have years of experience supporting people to achieve goals that are meaningful and important to them.

We are grateful to the individuals who bring their expertise in the many clinical areas required to fully support each individual journey, including behavioural analysis and therapy, ethics, nursing, primary care, psychiatry, psychology, social work and a number of therapies. Their collaborative approach enables coordinated care planning and timely and responsive care for the people we serve.