Our Mission
We provide high-quality, person-centred rehabilitation and care for people with brain injuries to help them adapt, learn and live more independently.
Our Vision
Every person with a brain injury realizes their full and unique potential.
Our Values
Accountability and Responsibility
As a community sector health service provider, HIRO is accountable to the people we serve, our staff and community as well as funders and accountability agencies. The staff and Board of Directors work diligently to ensure we meet or exceed all of the reporting standards and best practices in our sector and continue to provide high quality care and a promise of hope after ABI.
Consistent with the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act (BPSA), HIRO respects its responsibility as a publicly funded organization and is committed to following BPSA’s directive four key principles:
Plans & Reports
To learn about our Business Continuity Plan, Emergency Response Plan and Pandemic Influenza and Continuity Plan, or for more information on our Allowable Perquisites or HIRO’s Expense and Travel Reimbursement policy, please contact info.news@hiro.ca